Become a Voice for Children's Behavioral Health in Rhode Island
Do you have direct lived experience with meeting the mental health needs for your child and family? Are you a family support peer provider in the mental health workforce?
Working Together To Make Change
Work with other family leaders, state and community partners to promote policy and practice change to better meet the mental health of children, youth and families and reduce disparities.
- Official members will receive $35 gift cards for their attendance at meeting in person or online.
- Light meal will be provided at 6pm meeting.
- Childcare and transportation can be coordinated.
Interested in joining? Apply Online.
English Application
Spanish Application
Contact: Brenda Alejo at 401-477-0016 or
RIFI Fatherhood Forum

Family Engagement Workgroup

Become a Voice for Children's Behavioral Health in Rhode Island. Join us third Thursdays monthly online or in Warwick.
Family Engagement Workgroup

Become a Voice for Children's Behavioral Health in Rhode Island. Join us third Thursdays monthly online or in Warwick.