Family Advisory Board
Parent Support Network has started a statewide Family Advisory Board an in effort for families and our allies to organize and promote system transformation in policy and practice in order to meet the needs of children, youth, and young adults with behavioral health challenges and their families. This Board meets monthly virtually and all meetings are recorded and are available to you to listen to. Join us for advocacy meetings in Warwick on the second Thursday of each month.
Children's Behavioral Health Policy Academy: Family & Youth Voice Matters!
Parent Support Network engaged families and allies to participate in a policy academy aimed at beginning to organize as an advisory board, increase skills and knowledge, and develop a state action plan to promote policy and practice change in children's behavioral health. Below are videos of our four sessions that family, youth, and young adult leaders and allies can listen to. Key priority areas identified for state action included:
- Development of an individualized plan based on utilizing wraparound that follows the child throughout their childhood into adulthood and takes into consideration their strengths and stages of development and growth towards successful adulthood.
- Utilization of peers, mentors and other natural supports who can support children, youth and young adults within home, school, and community.
- A responsive 24-hour crisis response service that supports children, youth and families, that includes mobile response .
- Strengthen the behavioral health workforce to have increased access to skilled providers; who received ongoing workforce development, and who are fairly paid, especially within residential and group care.